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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

DIY Spooky Halloween Mirror and Gallery Wall

I know it's not even October yet, but since I only have a limited time to decorate the house for Halloween I thought I better get started.   Halloween is such a fun time of year to decorate and go all out with crazy decor. ...
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

{Garage Progress} New lighting and Doors

The garage is finally moving along and tons of progress is being made.  That makes me one happy girl!  Now, if only I could get the smelly dumpster out of our front yard. The electrician came yesterday, the roof should be done this week, drywall will be installed next week, and the garage doors will be installed on the 17th. Last week the correct trusses were finally delivered and the kitchen/mudroom addition was framed.  We were also able to install the mudroom door and new hardware.   I ended up going with this set from Home Depot for both the mudroom and front door. I've also been searching for columns to install on the little porch area to hide the electrical box.  I haven't found any that I like, so were looking into custom built square columns.  Not to be confused with the "custom" built down spout. (inside the mudroom/kitchen) The full glass door was not my first choice, but my husband really wanted as much light to come through......